
Microregistrar.moodlecloud.com is a mentoring course that is made on the Moodle platform. The course consists of

  • Core module written materials with the exams in mind - covering basic microbiology, UK guidelines, how we deal with that particular infection or pathogen in the UK, infection control, public health, etc.
  • The high-yield notes section aims to cover the subject areas favoured in the examination.
  • Guidance on how to start preparing for the exam - part 1 and part 2
  • MCQ - approx 270 MCQs now
  • Part 2 questions
  • Active members-only WhatsApp group

This group at present has >230 members now from various parts of the world

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What this course will not give you - It is not a taught course. Although there will be occasional tutorials in future, this is not a regular feature now. This course is based on adult learning methods. I believe all those accessing this course are highly capable professional microbiologists or infection specialists and they only need guidance to learn how we practice in the UK. Those trainees who are already in the UK training programme need some specific materials and questions to practice. This course will not give you any past papers from RCPath (it is not allowed by RCPath).

Unfortunately this course is not a free course. Details are on this page - microregistrar.moodlecloud.com

Future direction:

Although this course is already being used heavily, it is incomplete, which I expect will happen after the Spring 2025 examination.
Newsletter - A newsletter highlighting new changes in the website and new developments in the field of infection will start in October 2024.
Tutorials - Some tutorials will be delivered in 2025.
Short courses - online/face-to-face - although there is no plan yet, it will be considered when Moodle is complete.

Link: https://microregistrar.moodlecloud.com/

A list of current topics is attached

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